Sunday, January 20, 2008


What do Jenna Fischer, Meg Cabot and Jane Austen all have in common? Well, to quote the crazy sister, Honey, from Notting Hill, "I genuinely believe and have believed for some time now that we can be best friends."
Needless to say, if I ever met any of these ladies I'd be a mess of quivering goo. Thank heavens for me and my sanity, actually running into these girls is next to impossible. Two of them are extremely busy with their careers and lives of their own, and live on the coasts, thousands of miles away. But mostly because one of them is unfortunately dead. Yes, I'm sad to report that I'll never get a chance (in this lifetime!) to run into Jane Austen at the supermarket or Blockbuster. Even if I was in England. Because, you see, Jane had the unfortunate occurance of being born two hundred years before me.

Yes, ladies (and maybe a gentleman or two) Jane was born last month two hundred and thirty two years ago. She was born in the small town of Steventon where she went on to pen six novels including my favorite, Pride & Prejudice.

Now, what do you think I would have in common with someone who had the unfortunate occurance of dying before my great-great-great-grandmother was even born? Well, in my mind, quite alot. Mostly, (and most importantly) we both have a love for romantic stories with leading men who love their flawed women and always end happily. So, during these uber-fab weeks of enjoying Masterpiece's Complete Jane Austen I say, "Thank you, thank you Jane for all the countless, wonderful hours of joy you've brought to me through your stories!"

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Only the Best Idea, Ever!!!

Squeeeeeee! (Deep breath.) OK, I know I just posted today, already,(and please scroll down, cause I really like the post beneath this one) but I just linked on Julianne's blog and found this cool blog and post.

Anyone who has met my middle child for one minute knows her love of fairies!!!! And guess who's birthday is coming up in February? By my calculations, that's just enough time for the cleaning fairy to call the re-location company. So, watch out, A! You're gonna have a roomie.

I'm so excited about this I can hardly breathe.

Hydrangeas, hydrangeas everywhere!

I've been a little obsessed with hydrangeas recently. (See above blog title.) There's something about a flower that is actually tons of tiny flowers that just fills my soul. So I did some Google Image research for some inspiring pics!

How alkalic would my soil have to be to get this color?

I found this on an art website. It reminds me of the pics on my sidebar. All of which were taken by me. I'm artistic! Yippee!

Wouldn't it be fun to have one of these? But really, I think only my friend Katri could pull it off.

And I totally want this chair! Oh, shoot. It's a painting. Well, it's nice anyway.

But my fav would have to be this, titled "Chateau with Hydrangeas"

Which made me think, "What if I google imaged 'hydrangea chateau'?" And this is what came up:

It's a travel site that helps you rent mansions! Well, I now know what site I'll be wasting monumental time on! And they're totally affordable. Only around 2000 British pounds. Which really is only $4000. Very doable. Which leads me to my last find:

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Letter

My Own Victoria Magazine,

Oh, why did you have to jump out of my car at the hotel in San Antonio? Did you not see the big, yucky puddle in the parking lot? Did you think camping under the stars would be fun? I bet you didn't see any stars because of the rain clouds.

Did the big, burly owner of the ugly F-150 step on you? I'm sure he did. He obviously has no feeling for beautiful things or great literature or inanimate objects.

Did you miss me after I left you all alone in the cold? Did you try to call out my name? I'm sorry I didn't hear you. It's hard to hear the pleadings of something with no mouth.

But my most important, most earnest question is this: Where can I find a blankety- blank replacement for you?!? Argh.

Please reply forthwith.
